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A web based facial login system using python

Face Recognition Login System

:camera: A facial recognition based login system using Python,HTML,CSS and Bootstrap


Tools & Libraries Used

Note - These files must be hosted on XAMPP Apache server or other server, else will not work.


Optional - you can create a seperate registration form for students, where they may upload their picture and the picture gets stored as (email_address).jpg in the ‘students’ folder.

Making it work for Windows

Go to the python's installed location , in my case it was (C:\Python39) and right click on the python39 folder and go to security tab and give "Full Control" permission to users


And then go the scripts folder in python's installed path (C:\Python39\Scripts)

and run the below commands in that folder

Command 1 : C:\python39\python.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip --user

In the above command replace the exe path with your path

Comand 2 : pip install cmake --ignore-installed

Command 3 : pip install dlib --ignore-installed

Command 4 : pip install face_recognition --ignore-installed

Then try to restart the XAMPP Server it should work.

If it did not work, try installing below tools on windows

Also to for debugging, ensure to check Apache Error Logs image

Kindly follow the below Reference issues in case you are stuck